Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where are the UK Architects?

Well I've been a blogging crap for a few months, thrown a few incenderies in and not one bite. Checked the blogs for uk architects and found only 'Septics'.......Where are you all, I at least expected a couple of insults or are you all so fucking dull that you can't be arsed to respond to a self centred bloody know all like me. I'm really just an easy going laid back wanker interested in comments from my contemporaries to see if any of you have a spark.... Not the usual supercilious smug twatty comments that I usually read (often by failed architects turned journo's or lecturers) espousing their particular philosophy but real architects out there in the field.
If anyone knows of any Oxford poly veterans from '77, Paul Johnson, Theresa Thomas, Col Campbell, point em in my direction as I'd like to say hi and see how they're getting on. Paul O Connor and Mike Roberts didn't get there in the end but I'm pretty certain they are happy with where they are now, Rob Parry succeeded but worked for local authority last I heard. No idea about the rest..Bucherest Banana Benders, one million years ago!
Cheers all


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