Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Working Late with Vodka and Cigarettes

Busy day today and for the rest of the month - as per usual, hardly anything to do for a couple of weeks then fuuuuck!!!! tons in at same time. You gotta say yes to a client...never no unless it's Bill Davies of course. What a guy.... someone who really takes the community spirit to heart. Every architect in a 50 mile radius of Liverpool knows all about this guy. Never lets ya down and always settles our fee accounts bang on time. Keep up the good work Bill, you may even get the Freedom of the city from Liverpool council one day...after all you've paid them enough over the years.
So anyway, working into the night and through to tomorrow(or as it is today already).
Very relaxing as a matter of fact, tend to get my best ideas in the middle of the night after about a quart of vodka....this could possibly be the reason they never get built. Hmmmm!
Jesus it's so easy to rip the piss and moan on this but so difficult to say anything amusing or of interest when in a good mood - Extra buoyant after watching George Bush disintegrate in the face of the New Orleans debacle........Michael Moore, you're not needed this time, even the septics can see him as an incompetent buffoon!
Interesting place i'm working at curretly, although comprises the usual crew you find in every architectural office in the country. I wonder if they're all like this internationaly.
You know, there's the moaner who hates the place but never leaves, the wacky , everybodies mate one who is usually a closet psychotic, the old salt who knows everything and still works on a drawing board... I could go on.


Blogger daveriba said...

Marion99 Excuse me for being dim...but what the fuck are you on about? .....The previous sentence is to be read out loud in a Birmingham accent to expose it's true non threatening but inquisitave meaning

6:47 PM  

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